The Unofficial HyperDragons Wiki

Utilizing both ERC-20 and ERC-721 tokens, HyperDragons expands on the breeding economy of games like CryptoKitties and HelloDogs to incorporate the mining of in-game currency that connects different ares of a multi-faceted game. We've got a full explanation of HyperDragons and what it has in store. This video was made with Ezvid Wikimaker.

What's The Difference Between A HyperDragon and a DST token?

HyperDragons currently involves two kinds of tokens that can be bought and traded among players: the dragons, which are ERC-721 tokens, and DST, an ERC-20 token. ERC-721 tokens are unique digital assets, along the lines of CryptoKitties or Factbar. They are one of a kind, and their value comes from the fact that if someone wants to buy your dragon, they have to get it from you. DST is an in-game currency that can be used in Castle War and will be more integral in the future of the game. DST is fungible, which makes it closer to Ether or Bitcoin.

Can I Earn Money On HyperDragons?

Both types of tokens on HyperDragons can potentially be used to earn a profit. If you sell your dragon, you'll be paid in Ether. You can also pay Ether to enter an arena tournament, and if you win, you'll be richer for it. DST, the currency used in Castle War, can also potentially be exchanged for Ether, and will become more valuable down the line as there will be a limited supply. It's also possible that in the future you can wager on battles and earn Ether that way. There are many dapps on which you could potentially profit. The easiest to understand are crypto collectibles which can go up in value and be sold in a marketplace. Others, including idle games like Ether Shrimp Farm or schemes like PoWH3D and Gandhiji, are really zero-sum games designed to reward only the players who invested heavily at the beginning and recruited others to participate. Keep in mind that not everyone will come out ahead, and that this is a game that is designed to be enjoyed outside of its potential profitability.

An Overview of HyperDragons Gameplay

In Depth

HyperDragons is a battle and strategy game built on the Ethereum blockchain. Released in 2018, the platform has enjoyed a surprising number of steady participants as it has rolled out two separate but interrelated gameplay scenarios that involve both ERC20 and ERC721 tokens. We're going to discuss how HyperDragons works and what you need to know in order to master breeding and battling with these cute dragons.

To understand what makes HyperDragons different from other blockchain-based games, and why it's possible to earn a profit by playing, we need to first cover the difference between ERC20 and ERC721 tokens. These two types of assets are sold on the Ethereum blockchain, and HyperDragons uses both, but in different ways.

Most people are familiar with Bitcoin and Ethereum, cryptocurrencies that rely on blockchain technology. By using a decentralized ledger, users can verify transactions without the need for a central authority. Ethereum's blockchain is notable because it allows for the creation of decentralized applications, or dapps, that use smart contracts to allow for the trading of alternative assets on Ethereum's blockchain. HyperDragons is one of these dapps.

Ethereum's blockchain is notable because it allows for the creation of decentralized applications, or dapps, that use smart contracts to allow for the trading of alternative assets on Ethereum's blockchain.

Beyond Bitcoin and Ethereum, there are many different types of crypto coins available. Often companies will issue an "I.C.O.," where they sell tokens that represent a stake in their company, or use those tokens as currency to participate in that company's business. You can use Ether to buy and sell these tokens. With so many assets using the blockchain, a standard was developed to regulate them, known as ERC20.

When you make a transaction on the Ethereum network, no person is verifying your payment. Instead, it goes through a smart contract for the asset that you're buying or selling. ERC20 is a set of six functions for these smart contracts to ensure integration with the blockchain, and exchanges like ForkDelta allow for the trading of ERC20 tokens among users from all over the world.

ERC20 tokens are like Bitcoin and Ether in that they are fungible, meaning all coins of a certain currency are the same. If you have two Bitcoins, and you plan to sell one, it doesn't matter which one you sell because they are worth the same amount. You can also deal in fractions of a coin in the same way you can with dollars and cents. But some assets are unique, or non-fungible. That's where ERC721 comes in.

But some assets are unique, or non-fungible.

ERC721 is a standard for smart contracts dealing in digital assets that are not all the same. One popular example is Factbar, online representations of facts that are researched and verified. If you own a Factbar, you are the only person who owns it at that time, and every Factbar has its own unique value. Highly-desirable Factbars are therefore very valuable because they are rare.

These unique digital assets are known as crypto collectibles. The most highly-publicized collectible was CryptoKitties. These digital cats can be bred with one another to produce new kitties, and millions of dollars worth of Ether has been exchanged among players who want to buy or breed with kitties that have rare traits. There are collectible dogs, robots, and all sorts of other items sold on the blockchain.

HyperDragons are ERC721 tokens similar to CryptoKitties. You can buy one in the marketplace, and you can create new dragons through breeding. It costs Ether to purchase or breed dragons, but since they are unique and all have different traits, rare ones may fetch a high price if you choose to sell.

You can buy one in the marketplace, and you can create new dragons through breeding.

What makes HyperDragons more exciting as a game is the battle mode, where you can fight against other dragons. While in CryptoKitties, breeding can simply create new rare cats, in HyperDragons it is essential. Gen 0 dragons are the weakest, and the more you breed, the more powerful your warrior dragons will be.

Battles are done in the form of tournaments where players are matched up to fight one on one until a champion is crowned. The combat is turn-based, similar to classic role-playing games. A dragon's stats determine its hit points, skill, and glory, which is a stat that affects other parts of the game. Players put Ether on the line when they enter a tournament, which means there's something at stake and an incentive to get your dragons ready before you enter.

The game also has its own currency, which is known as DST. This is an ERC20 token that will be used to hatch eggs, enter in tournaments, and possibly to bet on battle outcomes. Because it is fungible, it will be possible to purchase it from other players on an exchange. That scenario is far down the road, but since there is a limited supply, it may become a vital strategy.

Because it is fungible, it will be possible to purchase it from other players on an exchange.

These tokens are also useful in the second side of the game, known as Castle War. This is a classic fortress battle, where players have a castle and can square off with one another over resources. You can build up your castle to protect it, and mine for tokens. Your glory affects your ability to mine.

You can also attack other players in Castle War. Outside of the tournaments, battles will take place here as well. This is only the second step of the game, but already it's clear the developers have a plan to expand this world.

HyperDragons has had a steady stream of users since its release, but not a huge volume of daily transactions. A lot of Gen 0 dragons are still available, and the speed may be a bit slow for those hoping to quickly develop tokens and sell them off for a profit. But with such strong mechanisms for earning Ether by playing and not just through the economy of the marketplace, HyperDragons has more action than some of its predecessors. We'll have to see if these cute little guys are entertaining enough to have real staying power.